"If you love it, you should have it!"

Confessions of an Artist

John Kraft and Artwork

My First Confession
I'm a bit odd

For most people, the phrase fun in the sun brings to mind beaches, cabanas, poolside margaritas or crashing waves... But for me, it can also mean a long day in jeans and a black shirt, under a white tent, talking to people about my art; all while strong winds threaten to carry me (and my art) far far away. This past weekend I had the pleasure of participating as a guest artist outside Norton Factory Studios in Oakland - and... I had a blast! I met many new people and saw quite a few old friends as well. 

My Second Confession
I steal chalk from my kids

John Kraft Drawing on Street

In my defense, I do believe that stealing chalk for the purpose of creating a bit of street art is a pretty good excuse - but still, my girls were quick to remind me that I need to replenish their supply... Fair enough. It was a fun way to extend my Flower Power collection from the art on the wall to the ground beneath my feet.

The sun, wind and stolen chalk combined and resulted in a happy collector deciding to go home with my piece, Aquarius.

John Kraft Art Collector

My Last Confession
This is What it's All About

The image above is what it's all about for me as an artist. I care so deeply about creating joyful and accessible art that when someone new decides to make my art a part of their life - it could be raining beneath a full solar eclipse - and I'd still feel like the luckiest guy in town. 

June 19, 2017 by John Kraft
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