Sudha Lakshmisha - Private Commission Project Site
Last updated September 4, 2023
Sudha, thank you again for your decision to move forward with this special art commission for your home. You can bookmark this page as it will serve as the location for regular updates on our progress. You can view the original scope of work page here. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. Thank you!
09-04-23 Artwork completed
08-26-23 View of multiple varnish layer process
08-20-23 II Flowers and stems completed
08-20-23 I Additional stem color testing
08-19-23 Refined composition and stem color test/preview
08-12-23 Flower composition applied for review and feedback
08-26-23 View of multiple varnish layer process
08-20-23 II Flowers and stems completed
08-20-23 I Additional stem color testing
08-19-23 Refined composition and stem color test/preview
08-12-23 Flower composition applied for review and feedback
08-09-23 Acrylic layers applied to custom panel
08-05-23 (2) Additional color and stem tests/reference
08-05-23 (1) Custom panel completed, priming begins
08-04-23 Stem color test and reference
07-30-23 Color/pattern experiments posted
07-28-23 Panel color testing/confirmation begins
07-27-23 Order placed for Custom Baltic birch panel
07-26-23 Live project discovery call via Zoom and project deposit
08-05-23 (1) Custom panel completed, priming begins
08-04-23 Stem color test and reference
07-30-23 Color/pattern experiments posted
07-28-23 Panel color testing/confirmation begins
07-27-23 Order placed for Custom Baltic birch panel
07-26-23 Live project discovery call via Zoom and project deposit
09-04-23 Update
A very exciting update today as I'm happy to share that I've completed the resin pour and your artwork is now officially complete! :) You can view the video of the finished piece here.
08-26-23 Update
Video showing my application of one of the multiple layers of UV protective varnish to your artwork. This process involves coating the entire panel, sealing in the archival floral paper elements, and then letting dry for several days between coats. This both protects the artwork from UV rays and also provides a great barrier between the artwork and the final resin pour. I anticipate all of these coats being completed and starting the resin pour on next Friday. Getting closer!
08-20-23 Update Part II
08-20-23 Update Part I
Below is a stem color test with the two smaller dandelion circles. Both silver and red/orange are shown below with the pink stem. I think it looks great and I actually like the idea that all three stems will be the same color (on each side of the center column of flowers).

08-19-23 Update
In today's update, I've moved the outermost silver leaves closer in from the sides per your previous feedback. The overall composition and placement of the flowers should be perfect now - please review the video below. Also, below the video, I have the various flowers set against either gold or silver stems so that you can make a final review and selections of whether you prefer gold or silver stems for the individual elements. With your approval of the composition, I'll be able to move forward with application of the flower elements to the panel :) Very exciting! Thank you!
08-12-23 Update
08-09-23 Update
08-05-23 Update (Part II)
08-05-23 Update (Part I)
08-05-23 Update (Part I)
Picked up the custom panel this morning and have begun preparing/priming the panel with a clear gesso. This strengthens and protects the wood and provides a good base layer for the acrylic paint.

08-04-23 Update
In the photograph below I wanted to show a reference of the silver flower/leaves with a silver stem. I have also ordered a special gold paint pen that should arrive shortly, so we can also test what gold stems will look against the background color and with the other flowers. I LOVE the silver and gold... It's going to be a very unique piece...

07-30-23 Update
07-28-23 Update
Background color applied to test panel. We will use this panel to test some of the flower color combinations in the coming days. Please note that as this paint was just applied it will look a little lighter than when it has dried.

07-26-23 Update
Gold lamp reference - will explore as color fill for some flowers in the composition.

Final Sizing Composite (52 in. x 18 in.)