"If you love it, you should have it!"

Flower Power Series

John Kraft and Flower Power Collection

Hi, everyone! Here's a sneak peek at a new collection I've been developing under the umbrella name of Flower Power. I was born in the year of the Summer of Love (1967) and flowers have figured prominently in many of the pieces I've created over the past 20 years - so this series seems like the perfect way to celebrate the spirit of that time and (cough, cough) the year I'll turn 50. I will be sharing more updates on this collection and soon you'll be able to purchase these directly from my website. I will also be featuring this work during the February show at CITY ART Gallery in San Francisco. Opening reception Friday, February 3rd 7-10PM at 828 Valencia Street, SF. Please reach out to me directly with any questions or to commission a piece as part of the series. Thank you, and Peace. :)

Flower Power by John Kraft

January 24, 2017 by John Kraft

Sundrops and Sunflowers

John Kraft and Misho of Misho Gallery

Very happy to share my finished piece, "Sundrops and Sunflowers". This is my contribution to Justdiggit's Project Earth. Justdiggit is an amazing organization working to cool the planet. You can learn more via the Justdiggit website. My piece will be exhibited along with those created by other bay area artists in the near future so check back often for details. My thanks to Misho at Misho Gallery and the amazing people at Justdiggit for inviting me to participate! 

January 04, 2017 by John Kraft

DESKART is a Hit!

The reviews are in, and I'm happy to say my new DESKART series is a hit with collectors. Here's some of what they have to say...

"This piece brings sunshine to my desk and brightens up my workday! It's beautiful and I think this is also a perfect gift for the holidays or as a hostess gift instead of the traditional bouquet of flowers - these flowers certainly last longer and will make people happy. I love it!"

"Delighted to have a cheerful piece of art that I can move anywhere around the house! It sits on the bookshelf. Moves to a windowsill. Resides next to the computer on my desk, or on the bedside table--or even sits on the back of the kitchen stove. Lots of choices. Uplifting to look at. So glad I chose it!"

"To remind me why I work the crazy hours I do...sitting right there at my eye level is John Kraft's fun and fabulous Red Shoe. Even in the midst of the chaos surrounding my desk, this wonderful little piece of desk art makes me happy. Beautifully made and the perfect size to perch on top of my file organizer. To say I love it is an understatement."

"I can not think of a better way to thank someone from the heart than with a piece of art. My son's amazing teacher deserved something real for their dedication and gifted spirit. Thank you John for creating something truly special!"

"As soon as we met John and felt his energy and his enthusiasm we could see why he uses such bright colours. This appealed to us and especially the DESKART surfboard as the boys in the family love (kite)surfing. We love the minimalistic lovely style."
Each piece of DESKART is $50.00 or Get Two for only $90.00 with code "DESKART10". Free Shipping in the USA.

Shop All Styles

October 12, 2016 by John Kraft

SF Open Studios 2016

Preparation is already underway for this year's ArtSpan San Francisco Open Studios (SFOS). I'm happy to say that I will be at Arc Gallery again this year and joined by a group of incredible friends and artists. I've created a dedicated page where you can get all the details and stay up to date on the work I'm preparing, special offerings and other important info!

Visit my SFOS 2016 Page

September 21, 2016 by John Kraft

John Kraft at Art for AIDS 2016

I am proud to announce that I am a featured artist at the 20th annual Art for AIDS, one of San Francisco's premier art auctions! This is the sixth year in a row that I've participated and the featured piece is an artist proof on canvas of LOVE WINS (shown below). Art for AIDS benefits the UCSF Alliance Health Project, a community organization that provides free mental health and HIV testing services to San Franciscans. Learn more about this amazing event.

September 16, 2016 by John Kraft

The Case for Local Art in the Workplace

I begin with a bit of disclosure... I've worked for several high-tech companies over the years, including Apple and Autodesk, and I've also had the opportunity to exhibit my art in a number of corporate environments, perhaps most notably at Intel's worldwide headquarters in California. So as I sit here in my current role of full-time artist, it will come as no surprise that I advocate the acquisition and display of local art in the workplace. 

The topic of the tension between high-tech companies and local artists as it relates to displacement, rising rents etc. is not a new one and frankly is not the focus of this piece. My only goal is to communicate why I feel it is good-business for companies to show direct support for local artists through the purchase and display of their work.

Everything, when done well, involves creativity.

And by that I mean everything - art, music, food, physics, coding...the list goes on. By surrounding a workforce with the creative fruits of those working in proximity in the visual arts, employers are infusing their offices with an almost undefinable spark of creative energy. By contrast, I would argue that the sometimes impotent generic mass-produced and brand-appropriate art that covers many corporate office walls can have a tendency to suck the creativity right out of the room. If you make widgets, that's fantastic, and they might be the most aesthetically pleasing widgets on the third rock, but that does not mean it makes for good art. It actually runs quite the opposite way. Creativity is fueled by the integration of disparate and new experiences, not by the self-obssessed "re-consumption" of previous output. 

And what about the artists?

Well, I'm glad you asked. Artists have depended on the support of patrons from the beginning of time...whether it be Medici and MichelangeloStein and Picasso, or Madonna and Basquiat (OK that last one doesn't really count, but I love that they dated).  There should be no negative connotation to the word depend in this context.  Simply put, artists survive and thrive when people both enjoy and purchase their work.  So in addition to super-charging your teams with a jolt of creative juice you are also helping an entirely distinct but complimentary segment of the economy succeed as well. In business-speak, you might even call this a win-win.  Of course, if you want to call it "giving back" or "community support" that's fine. As Picasso once said, "great artists steal", so I'll steal from Nike and say, "Just Do It.". Your employees and your local artists will thank you.

So now what?

There are a number of ways to connect with local artists in your area. It can include contacting local art consultants or engaging with established galleries. But for my money - and here is the oh so predictable punchline, I suggest you search out artists in your geographic area and invite them to present their work to you either at their studio or in your office. Begin a direct relationship with one or two or three local artists whose work feels like a good fit. For those in the San Francisco Bay area, I strongly suggest attending the upcoming Art for AIDS Benefit Art Auction (September 16, 2016) as well as ArtSpan's upcoming SF Open Studios (each weekend in October and early November, 2016). These are fantastic ways to see some amazing local art and connect with local artists. 

I welcome any questions or comments and wish you an art-filled Fall. 

Thank you!

John Kraft, Artist

September 06, 2016 by John Kraft

DESKART from Artist John Kraft

I'm thrilled to announce the introduction of my latest collection. DESKART is a collection of 4 in. x 6 in. x 1.5 in. mixed media panels coated in a beautiful and durable glossy resin coating. Because of their depth, they stand upright without any additional support. Just set on a desk or table in your home or office and enjoy. And of course, they can also be hung alone or in groups on any wall. Shop Now

August 30, 2016 by John Kraft

New John Kraft iPhone Cases

John Kraft iPhone Cases

Happy to announce the introduction of my new line of iPhone 6 phone cases. These cases have a tough yet lightweight shell made of hard rubber with textured side grips and a strong metal back. So when you're checking the latest text or Facebook post you can turn your phone over for a little art break. :)  $40.00 USD. Shop Now

August 26, 2016 by John Kraft

New Art - "Bumper" by John Kraft

Bumper by John Kraft

I'm happy to share my latest piece, Bumper, which was inspired by a recent family trip to Six Flags. While the inspiration for this piece came from a bumper car ride with my daughter Sienna, I want to thank Trend Hunter CEO Jeremy Gutsche for first suggesting I translate the experience into my next piece. Bumper is available as a ready-to-frame archival print on paper and as a ready-to-hang print on canvas.
Free Shipping in the USA.

August 11, 2016 by John Kraft